Current Issue

In this edition you will find:
Advanced Manufacturing
Inverse Class F power amplifier
Coastal observer smart buoy
Fluid visualisation system
Unmanned aerial systems
Fish drying frame
Energy and Green technology
Waste plastic reactor
Modular aquaponics system
Solar Tracker
Health and Food
Rooibos extract formulation (SlowRedT)
Omega CaroE Extra
Omega 3-Fatty acid emulsion
Omega CaroE canine
Micronutrient food supplement
S-band radio
X-band radio
Natural Resources
Coortech waste water Reactor system
Bed load Flow meter
Consumer goods
The Braai Tool
Uyindoda MMC underwear
Watt Scooter
Adult Diaper
Technology Stations
Adaptronics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Agrifood Technology Station
Technology Station in Clothing and Textiles